
For my capstone, I will be spreading the story of Reinhardt University in three different ways. The first way I would like to tell Reinhardt University’s story is to create a challenge called “RU ready to apply “which is meant to motivate the future students to attend Reinhardt. The challenge will be promoted through actions, hashtags, and flyers. Reinhardt University has a 91% percent acceptance rating, but only 34% of those students graduate from there. The hash tags encourage students to take a chance and take advantage of the high acceptance rate. The second way I would like to tell the story of Reinhardt University is to post flyers in locations that may have never heard of Reinhardt with the same challenge as the motive to apply for a better tomorrow. I am selling Reinhardt University as a place that can be changed and can also change you for a brighter future.
Since Reinhardt University is a place of education which is already known. Yes, college is full of late nights and cramming, but there is a fun side to colleges such as meeting new friends and the countless amount of possible memories you can create. Memories make life, and without memories what is life? For my final pitch, I created a video of the great things that can come from attending Reinhardt University as well as getting involved. The video consists of an old film that acts as “future memories “of what could happen if you attend Reinhardt University. The short film is still underway as I am still digging through the film of Reinhardt’s greatness moments from conference wins (sports) to spring day. There are always two sides to the story, and the short film is being created to allow students to be creative in their own way and tell their side of Reinhardt University from their point of view.  I will promote Reinhardt through soical media,so I can share media among our target audience at a faster pace. Another thing I will do for Reinhardt is create flyers that promotes our ” apply now” challenge.




Digital diplomacy is the act of negotiating a story-line among worlds across different transmedia platforms.  In the article written by James Pamment there was a transmedia story that helped to globalize the issue of sexual violence.  Sexual violence is no laughing matter, so the story is typically told the same across different platforms. Image result for rape hashtags

The negotiation between the people and this campaign was conducted in many different approaches.  Mr. Hague is the creator of this transmedia story against sexual violence, but he does not tell the story alone. Mr. Hague influenced the worlds’ perspective of sexual violence by having a voice that you may be familiar with tell the story.  According to the article Mr. Hague was able to get Angelia Jolie to bring awareness to sexual violence by simply speaking against it. Since sexual violence isn’t just an issue that has sprouted up overnight, there were already material Mr. Hague was able to use such as different Twitter’s hashtags to tie his version of the story together with the others. The internet has been the source of communication between the audiences and the fight against sexual violence.


As public figures started to spread the word against sexual violence, the globalization awareness for this subject continued to spread. One may say that one transmedia story could possibly be told through a parallel one such as the “Me too” movement.  This transmedia story isn’t as entertaining as the Matrix, because it is logical to format it in a way that informs people about the situation rather than entertaining them. Since this issue is typically common there were many launched phases to keep the story alive across different markets.  The high diplomacy phase was conducted as the second part for the fight against sexual violence.  This is where things kind of leaves the public’s hands, and the story is now narrated through government power such as Britain’s presidency. The point is, this transmedia story lasted because it was told across different platforms from different people of different classes. The story first started in the public hands and then moved to the hands of the famous. The

Image result for war against sexual violence

key to this transmedia story alive was to always keep people involved.


Keeping people involved comes with the repetition of educating people on the discussion topic. How did Mr. Hague keep his story going?  Mr. Hague kept the transmedia story going by reminding people that sexual violence is not permitted or accepted in the public eye.  Ms. Jolie was used to first connect with her fans, and from there the war against sexual violence by Mr. Hague joined the other transmedia stories fighting against is as well.


As If

Intro dreaming with a purpose.


The lack of maturity is the result of our inner child creativity. Being a child at one point and time in your life preps you to use your imagination to create fandoms in the future. As kids, we faked alternate realities for entertainment purposes and continued to do so as adults. Creativity influences people every day from dreams to story-lines that are created to air on the television for hours at a time. Our imagination and maturity build should be honored because without it the world would be as dull as watching golf on Television or in person.


Image result for imagination spongebob


Without being a little creative or a little immature, the amount of laughter you hear around you would reduce. Our sense of humor comes from us viewing the world around us the best way as possible for the moment. Of course, everyone is different, and some people have darker imagination and creativity, but that does not mean he or she doesn’t influence the co-exist worlds that are created for us to live in when life gets a little too hard for us.

As if ( blog 2)

To live in a world with no oxygen merely is impossible due to common human logic. Of course, we need to breathe as human beings, but what if we all depended on air pollution to breath such as carbon monoxide?  What if there was a world where everyone spoke in hashtags such as # GoToTheDevil to express feelings towards someone? In chapter two the author of “As if “wrote about how coexist worlds are created to make things suitable for any situation, which made me think “what if ?”. What if a fictional world was made where being one hundred perfect professionals was not required to succeed in life?  What if there was a world where crimes are ignored, and seen as a favor to society?

Image result for the purge fandom

The purge ( a world that was created to legalize crime for a certain time period)

Image result for gotham and new york city


Our imaginations’ are the only things that will help things co-exist with no conflicts of interest. Neverland was a world created for Peter Pan and the Lost Boys to prevent aging which we all know is completely fictional, but we still choose to invest in our interests even when it involves the concept of forever youthful life. Fictional worlds exist to create a clear understanding among audiences that may have a hard time believing that something so unordinary could possibly exist in the actual world.  Gotham seems suitable for Batman, because  Atlanta may be too humid for him which is why every aspect of Gotham is designed to entertain every part of Batman’s life.

As if ( reality is hard )


As If (introduction )

Growing up I use to want to be Superman,but now I need to be Superman. While pretending I was Superman as a kid it came off as cute, but when you turn twenty-one, it becomes awkward. In Michael Saler’s writing he referred to fandom as just “cooler discussions,” but then continued to explain how as adults, virtual reality is the life we wish we were living.

Naturally, people escape from the real world to do magical things, but can you blame someone for wanting to fly even if it is in a fictional world? We are all living a double life even if it is known or not. Some of us are farmers in real life, but on the side, we are penguins in a club. ( Club penguin reference )

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Fantasies are made to escape reality, but it baffles me to see that someone rather kill zombies to avoid rent and other responsibilities. OH YEAH, because life sucks after twenty-one!  When I turned twenty-one, I no longer had the excitement in my experience of underage drinking. I was free to do all that I wanted since I have reached the age that has cleared me to do all besides run for president. Once I was bored with my reality, I turned to a virtual world to obtain goals I wouldn’t dare go for in real life. I now realize why I am such a genius gangster in the video game Grand theft auto V.


Chapter 1


In chapter one, I was able to see an adult’s reasoning behind finding a more modern day cyberspace. Adults are more realistic than children of course, so they choose a more realistic false reality to live in. A more realistic reality leaves adults with the idea of “oh, yes I can see how that can happen,.” It is easier to comprehend a fictional world when the user virtual reality is not far off from his or her daily lives. It seems as though it is easier to cope with living in a false reality when your objectives seem realistic.


The Shining

The shining is not only a classic, but it is one of the best horror movie ever made. What made The Shining different was the way it was filmed. The shining is one of the view movies that shoots longer shots instead of the standard jump cuts in other movies. The movie is shot in a continuous format which make you feel as though you are not missing anything at all through the wide camera angles. Stanley Kubrick is known mainly for his camera angles in this movie. Stanley Kubrick brought high intensity into this film by doing close of his cast to show how deep the situation is through suspenseful camera techniques.



“Here’s Johnny “is a tense scene where he used a close on Jack Nicholson to capture the madness he had in his eyes. This scene also captured the strength of the Jack Nicholson effort to break through that door. The camera made this one of the best attempted murder scenes. To show how eager the killer is (Jack Nicholson) as the camera zooms in on his demoniac eyes. To keep the intensity of the movie going Stanley Kubrick also zoomed in on the victim being harassed and chased. The most interesting camera angle of this scene is the close of Shelley Duvall being stuck in the window, and then the wide shot of her being stuck in the window from a distance. I interpreted this scene as no matter where she goes no one is around to save her as her screams are muffled by the snow storm. I felt as though Stanley Kubrick used this shot to show the snow around her which meant that there is no other escape and they only way out are through the cold and wet snow. “Here’s Johnny “is a tense scene where he used a close on Jack Nicholson. This scene captured the strength of the Jack Nicholson effort to break through that door. The camera made this one of the best attempted murder scenes. To show how eager the killer is (Jack Nicholson) the camera zooms in on his demoniac eyes. To keep the intensity of the movie going Stanley Kubrick also zoomed in on the victim being harassed and chased. The most interesting camera angle on this scene is the close of Shelley Duvall being stuck in the window, and then the wide shot of her being stuck in the window from a distance. I interpret this scene as no matter where she goes no one is around to save her. I felt as though Stanley Kubrick used this shot to show the snow around her which meant that there is no escape, but the wetness of the cold snow melting around here body “Here’s Johnny “is a tense scene where he used a close on Jack Nicholson. This scene captured the strength of the Jack Nicholson effort to break through that door. The camera made this one of the best attempted murder scenes. To show how eager the killer is (Jack Nicholson) the camera zooms in on his demoniac eyes. To keep the intensity of the movie going Stanley Kubrick also zoomed in on the victim being harassed and chased. The most interesting camera angle on this scene is the close of Shelley Duvall being stuck in the window, and then the wide shot of her being stuck in the window from a distance. I interpret this scene as no matter where she goes no one is around to save her. I felt as though Stanley Kubrick used this shot to show the snow around her which meant that there is no escape, but the wetness of the cold snow melting around her body.

Another interesting camera work is when Danny Lloyd was riding his bike around the house. The interesting thing about this scene is it shows how big this house they are staying in. The camera angle shows the emptiness of the house and the distance between the characters. The long continuous (long tracking shot) angle shots is like a metaphor is this movie to me which means no matter where you go this house is too big, but too small at the same time to avoid the evil that is floating inside of it.


The Shining would be considered selection of suspense movies to me. With the outstanding camera work Stanley Kubrick could film the movie in a way that your heart will be pounding wondering what will happen next in his remarkable scenes. Another example is when Jack was having a dispute with Wendy, and as the scene continues you start to ignore the surroundings and focus on the intensity. The interesting fact about the perfect camera angles is that you did not notice that jack was pushing Wendy up the stairs with an intense gloomy, but serious stare.
For a movie with a small cast Stanley Kubrick was able to show the connection between the three main characters. Stanley Kubrick was able to do this by using extreme close up shots to show how serious each serious moment really was from an emotional aspect to a murder aspect. This movie camera angles are unique to me. With each camera angle, it tells a different story. Stanley Kubrick was a man of metaphors with his camera work. As stated before his wide shots showed how empty the house was. He was able to show there was a lack of connection to show the truth of what was going on around that household. The tracking shots were a sign of no matter where the characters went inside or outside the house there was no escaping the situations that had taken place in that house. The shinning was a great example of cine photography.



War with words

Journalism is the act of reporting on something based off facts, opinions or both. Journalism is a unique tool that can be used to express your thoughts, and different point of views on things going on around the world. Journalism allows us to report, and speak on anything we wish. A very important thing you can use journalism for is self-defense. Besides self-defense you can use journalism as a weapon to attack someone through their beliefs, or their morals. Is journalism a way to say what you want with no repercussions? The truth is journalism is our own mind, and thoughts forming ideas and beliefs about a certain situation.


Journalism helps us persuade others to follow what we believe in. Journalism is a tool that can spread hate or love. If certain words are formatted in a particular way, the meaning of those words can change. Journalism has it good and bad sides, which can lead people in opposite directions. Journalism can tear a world apart. It is probably safe to say that journalism is just another form of propaganda. We may not seem journalism as that way, but it is alike in many ways. for an example, we write to inform people on our beliefs in hope to persuade them to agree with us.


Where is the line drawn between propaganda and journalism? that is a question I yet I understand. It is dry cut. Journalism is not art or something we use to entertain one other. Journalism is a weapon even if it is used in a good way or a bad way. Where do we go from here with journalism? We can easily say not journalism is just the Richard noggin form of propaganda. who are we to say that journalism is a good or a bad thing.
At the end of the day journalism allows us to say what the heck we want to say. We can speak ill of someone and not care if its offensive or not. Journalism allows us to gain power in our voice no matter if we are trying to disrespect someone or praise someone. Journalism is a tool of as destruction if you are brave enough to use it that way. What does journalism allow me to say? can it allow me to drop a “F” bomb and get away with it? We politically allowed to say you aren’t sh*t through journalism. We are not capable to stand in front of a crowd and say, “we do not agree”, but we are capable enough to say we do not agree through journalism. Journalism is a mask we hide behind even we say something so provoking that we could start a war. Maybe it is safe to say that journalism is a perfection for our ignorant thoughts. We can say what we want to say in a way that blinds people for our inconsiderate thoughts. Journalism is the opening tool to each cyber war. We are provoked by journalism to the point we can feel angry and hate.

Journalism can be our best friend standing alongside our worst enemy. I can say it is unfair to speak on just the negative part of journalism. Journalism can bring a country together just as fast it can tear a country apart. Journalism allows up to pick in choice on the things we would like to see. At the end of the day journalism is a group of advertisement waiting for you to bite on their hooks so they can pull you in just like a fish. Journalism is about how we perceive it.

Terms & Conditions



We believe that if no one is around then we have nothing to worry about. Maybe in most cases, but with the internet you are one click away from going viral. What are we really giving up when we click “accept.”. We are so simple minded we have a false concept about the internet. We believe that the internet is here for our entertainment and nothing else. The scary truth is we could sign our lives away, and not know it just because we are too lazy to read the terms and conditions. The smaller things in life seem to be overlooked, but the smaller things in life can affect you in the long run.



To be more specific the smaller fonts in the terms and conditions can affect you in the long run.
Is free, free? According to the video “Terms & Conditions May apply” consumers lose up to 250 billion dollars do to the fact that we allow free sites use our information, and products for their own financial gain. Without our own direct knowledge, we signed our creativity away to someone who is filling their bank accounts with our ideas. Every time you get online you are risking your own privacy as well as important information.



The internet isn’t just a system or just a computer, the internet is a spy for the government. From the words, you type to the words you read they are all ran through a data base. Google is one of the biggest search engines around. Google often sometimes tries to finish your sentences, but what gives them the information to predict what you are going to google. Cookies, cookies collect information from you without you thinking twice about it. It is not a coincidence that your favorite products pop up on ads when you visit certain cites. With each search, we make online the more information is tied to us. We are being profiled correctly as well as incorrectly as we search the web. For an example, Leigh Bryan was a terrorist for a simple tweet that was taken out of context. That is one simple example from the film, but is it possible for bad person to be profiled as an innocent one?

On a larger note, how does the government know what they know? We gave them consent when we first dove into the internet. Maybe to the common person it does not seem like a big deal, but to those who have thing to hide they may be sweating behind closed doors. We are being tracked from day to day. It may not seem like it since we aren’t a threat, but if we ever become one the government may already be on our trail. Besides monitoring our tweets, they can monitor our every step through each camera we small or frown in front of. Our everyday routine can be learned and processed, so what else do we allow the government to do? Another question is who or what help the government obtain our information. Facebook, Snapchat, even our own passcode on our phone. We voluntarily give up our fingerprints to have easier access to unlock our phones. Have we forgot most criminals are caught by leaving fingerprints behind?
As technology advances our personal information will become more accessible by the second. Our information Is needed for new products to sale. The information provided is needed for marketing. Each product has advancements to gain further information to continue to build from facial recognition to “find my iPhone”, both are tracking devices that can place each consumer in their most common habitat.






Propaganda is everywhere even when you think it is not. Propaganda is why the world is ran the way it is today. Propaganda is a tool that is typically used to promote certain items ,but is usually  bias and misleading . It is safe to say propaganda is also a tool to brain wash many people for ” good” and ” bad” reasons.

Propaganda is disguised in many ways, and used in many ways. There are different types of propaganda : political , sports, fashion, video games. Growing up propaganda made me believe as a kid that I needed the newest toy out each and every time. Being a young man propaganda has transformed from direct propaganda which to me is directly from the source to indirect propaganda,   which comes from your peers. The way propaganda is around me is the clothes my friends wear from Nike to Gucci.  The propaganda on my friends clothes makes me feel as though I need those same pair of pants or that brand.



Propaganda is also used in my life when it comes to alcohol. When I attend parties I see all the big name beers and liquor , which makes me fall back on those drinks at my next social gathering. Propaganda is everywhere I look , but it is not something I’ll think about at the moment . Propaganda is the reason I spend money nowadays.  When I’m on social media I form a need to want the nice cars that facebook advertise.  Propaganda is a crafty marketing tool in my life that makes me carry myself the way I do now.

Propaganda affects the audience by appealing to their needs and wants.  For every group of people there is a proper propaganda slogan that can lead them for the benefits of a company. Propaganda can strike fear and passion in a audience heart.  For an example , the military shows advertisements that gives you pride to be a American . On the other hand propaganda can cause hate to form against a certain group of people just like Hitler did with the Jewish community.

Propaganda can leave a negative connotation when it tells half of the story.  Let’s say there is a war over a piece of land that is “ours”  and the message of the propaganda is taking ” back” what belongs to us. Now if the propaganda didn’t tell us that , that piece of land was never ours in the first place , we are now fighting for a land that we had no entitlement to. On the flipside propaganda can be used in a positive way from health care to charities. Propaganda can influence people to feel sad make people feel as though they need to help , and they need to take care of the less fortunate.

In our lives propaganda make the rich , rich and the poor, poor. Propaganda make us live the way we do now. For those who are rich propaganda makes them want to live a life style with a great amount of luxury. As for middle class , there are middle class propaganda items that appeal to the middle class.  I don’t consider myself upper class ,but middle if anything.  Propaganda makes me purchase things in my “price range “. I am drawn to slogans that say “for a limited time ” and ” simple payments “.  Even when I am tight on money propaganda makes me feel like I can afford anything I want through different methods. Propaganda seems to attack me, and tries to manipulate to believe that I need everything everyone around me have.  Propaganda makes me believe I’m stuck in middle class. My values has changed with propaganda  I now believe that I should be superman which is powerful and ” handsome .”