War with words

Journalism is the act of reporting on something based off facts, opinions or both. Journalism is a unique tool that can be used to express your thoughts, and different point of views on things going on around the world. Journalism allows us to report, and speak on anything we wish. A very important thing you can use journalism for is self-defense. Besides self-defense you can use journalism as a weapon to attack someone through their beliefs, or their morals. Is journalism a way to say what you want with no repercussions? The truth is journalism is our own mind, and thoughts forming ideas and beliefs about a certain situation.


Journalism helps us persuade others to follow what we believe in. Journalism is a tool that can spread hate or love. If certain words are formatted in a particular way, the meaning of those words can change. Journalism has it good and bad sides, which can lead people in opposite directions. Journalism can tear a world apart. It is probably safe to say that journalism is just another form of propaganda. We may not seem journalism as that way, but it is alike in many ways. for an example, we write to inform people on our beliefs in hope to persuade them to agree with us.



Where is the line drawn between propaganda and journalism? that is a question I yet I understand. It is dry cut. Journalism is not art or something we use to entertain one other. Journalism is a weapon even if it is used in a good way or a bad way. Where do we go from here with journalism? We can easily say not journalism is just the Richard noggin form of propaganda. who are we to say that journalism is a good or a bad thing.
At the end of the day journalism allows us to say what the heck we want to say. We can speak ill of someone and not care if its offensive or not. Journalism allows us to gain power in our voice no matter if we are trying to disrespect someone or praise someone. Journalism is a tool of as destruction if you are brave enough to use it that way. What does journalism allow me to say? can it allow me to drop a “F” bomb and get away with it? We politically allowed to say you aren’t sh*t through journalism. We are not capable to stand in front of a crowd and say, “we do not agree”, but we are capable enough to say we do not agree through journalism. Journalism is a mask we hide behind even we say something so provoking that we could start a war. Maybe it is safe to say that journalism is a perfection for our ignorant thoughts. We can say what we want to say in a way that blinds people for our inconsiderate thoughts. Journalism is the opening tool to each cyber war. We are provoked by journalism to the point we can feel angry and hate.


Journalism can be our best friend standing alongside our worst enemy. I can say it is unfair to speak on just the negative part of journalism. Journalism can bring a country together just as fast it can tear a country apart. Journalism allows up to pick in choice on the things we would like to see. At the end of the day journalism is a group of advertisement waiting for you to bite on their hooks so they can pull you in just like a fish. Journalism is about how we perceive it.

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