As if ( blog 2)

To live in a world with no oxygen merely is impossible due to common human logic. Of course, we need to breathe as human beings, but what if we all depended on air pollution to breath such as carbon monoxide?  What if there was a world where everyone spoke in hashtags such as # GoToTheDevil to express feelings towards someone? In chapter two the author of “As if “wrote about how coexist worlds are created to make things suitable for any situation, which made me think “what if ?”. What if a fictional world was made where being one hundred perfect professionals was not required to succeed in life?  What if there was a world where crimes are ignored, and seen as a favor to society?

Image result for the purge fandom

The purge ( a world that was created to legalize crime for a certain time period)

Image result for gotham and new york city


Our imaginations’ are the only things that will help things co-exist with no conflicts of interest. Neverland was a world created for Peter Pan and the Lost Boys to prevent aging which we all know is completely fictional, but we still choose to invest in our interests even when it involves the concept of forever youthful life. Fictional worlds exist to create a clear understanding among audiences that may have a hard time believing that something so unordinary could possibly exist in the actual world.  Gotham seems suitable for Batman, because  Atlanta may be too humid for him which is why every aspect of Gotham is designed to entertain every part of Batman’s life.

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