Digital diplomacy is the act of negotiating a story-line among worlds across different transmedia platforms.  In the article written by James Pamment there was a transmedia story that helped to globalize the issue of sexual violence.  Sexual violence is no laughing matter, so the story is typically told the same across different platforms. Image result for rape hashtags

The negotiation between the people and this campaign was conducted in many different approaches.  Mr. Hague is the creator of this transmedia story against sexual violence, but he does not tell the story alone. Mr. Hague influenced the worlds’ perspective of sexual violence by having a voice that you may be familiar with tell the story.  According to the article Mr. Hague was able to get Angelia Jolie to bring awareness to sexual violence by simply speaking against it. Since sexual violence isn’t just an issue that has sprouted up overnight, there were already material Mr. Hague was able to use such as different Twitter’s hashtags to tie his version of the story together with the others. The internet has been the source of communication between the audiences and the fight against sexual violence.


As public figures started to spread the word against sexual violence, the globalization awareness for this subject continued to spread. One may say that one transmedia story could possibly be told through a parallel one such as the “Me too” movement.  This transmedia story isn’t as entertaining as the Matrix, because it is logical to format it in a way that informs people about the situation rather than entertaining them. Since this issue is typically common there were many launched phases to keep the story alive across different markets.  The high diplomacy phase was conducted as the second part for the fight against sexual violence.  This is where things kind of leaves the public’s hands, and the story is now narrated through government power such as Britain’s presidency. The point is, this transmedia story lasted because it was told across different platforms from different people of different classes. The story first started in the public hands and then moved to the hands of the famous. The

Image result for war against sexual violence

key to this transmedia story alive was to always keep people involved.


Keeping people involved comes with the repetition of educating people on the discussion topic. How did Mr. Hague keep his story going?  Mr. Hague kept the transmedia story going by reminding people that sexual violence is not permitted or accepted in the public eye.  Ms. Jolie was used to first connect with her fans, and from there the war against sexual violence by Mr. Hague joined the other transmedia stories fighting against is as well.


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