

Media to me is a very important tool to me .  Media allows me to connect with people from around the world from friends to enemies .  I am thankful for media ,because  it is the way of life nowadays. I am able to keep up with different events going on in my own backyard to things going on overseas .  Media is also a tool of knowledge to me from personal news I may enjoy to important news I need to be aware of such as politics .  A great role media plays for me is that I am not limited to one. Media can start with Facebook and end with the radio .  Media can show show me things through   images or simple oral stories .

The greatest source of entertainment for me and probably plenty of others is media . Without media we could not hear of favorite song or play our favorite video games with the insane graphics we have all learned to love . Without media the world would seem so far apart , but with media the world seems as compacted as a atom .